2005 National Scout Jamboree

Participant Statement of Understanding and Code of Conduct

Statement of Understanding: All participants are selected to represent their local councils based on their qualifications in character, camping skills, physical and personal fitness, and leadership qualities. By signing the letter of appointment, all participants agree to the conditions of the Code of Conduct and Statement of Understanding as a condition of participation. It is with the further understanding that serious misconduct or infraction of rules and regulations may result in expulsion, at the participant’s expense, from the jamboree. Ultimately we want each participant to be responsible for his or her own behavior, and only when necessary will the procedure be invoked to send the participant home from the jamboree.

All participants are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct as follows:

1. The Scout Oath and Law will be my guide throughout the jamboree.


2. I will set a good example by keeping myself neatly dressed and presentable.  (The official Scout uniform and jamboree identifying items are the only acceptable apparel.)


3. I will attend all scheduled programs and participate as required in cooperation with other staff members and leadership.


4. In consideration of other staff members, I agree to follow the bedtime and sleep schedule of the unit, unless otherwise directed by the jamboree program.


5. I will be responsible for keeping my quarters and personal gear

labeled, clean, and neat. I will adhere to all jamboree recycling policies and regulations. I will do my share to prevent littering of the jamboree grounds.


6. I understand that the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by any youth member is prohibited. This standard shall apply to all who attend the jamboree.


7. Serious and/or repetitive behavior violations by youth, including use of tobacco, cheating, stealing, dishonesty, swearing, fighting, and cursing, may result in expulsion from the jamboree or serious disciplinary action and loss of privileges. The jamboree director must be contacted for the expulsion procedure to be invoked. There are no exceptions.


8. I understand that gambling of any form is prohibited.


9. I understand that possession of lasers of any type, and possession or detonation of fireworks is prohibited.


10. I will demonstrate respect for U.S. Army and jamboree property and be personally responsible for any loss, breakage, or vandalism of property as a result of my actions.


11. Neither the staff leader nor the Jamboree Division, BSA, will be responsible for loss, breakage, or theft of personal items. I will label all my personal items and check items of value at the direction of unit leaders. Theft will be grounds for expulsion.


12. While working in my position and other activities, I will obey the safety rules and instructions of all participants.


13. In accordance with U.S., local, and state laws, participants are

prohibited from having firearms and weapons in their possession.


14. Participants will be guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law and will obey all U.S., local, and state laws.


15. All participants must receive Youth Protection training through their local councils and follow the guidelines therein prior to the jamboree.


16. Hazing has no place in Scouting. Nor do running the gauntlet, belt lines, or similar physical punishment. Adult staff and older youth must prevent any youth from being “initiated” into the troop with a hazing activity.


17. Adult participants should have the good judgment to avoid trading souvenirs or patches with youth members in Scouting. Youth members may trade with youth members. Adult leaders may trade only with other adults 18 years of age or older.


18. Adult participants must instruct youth to avoid confrontation with groups, demonstrators, or hecklers and must assume a passive reaction to name-calling from individuals or groups. Units or groups must be removed from the area of potential conflict immediately.


19. Serious violation of this code may result in expulsion from the jamboree at the participant’s own expense. All decisions will be final.


20. Military police and public safety officers have the authority and powers of U.S. marshals; their orders and instructions are to be obeyed. Your complaints or concerns should be taken to your leader as soon as possible after the incident.

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Please send your reactions and comments to us at donald.miller@scott.af.mil

Last updated: 9 March, 2005