Troop 1237

2005 Jamboree - Important Dates to Remember


November 15, 2004  

Scout applications and first payment of $300.00 due


December, 2004  

Scouts are assigned to one of five troops



January 4, 2005  

Second payment of $300.00 due



January 20    

Parents' and Scouts' Orientation Cape Girardeau Career and Technology Center Leaders Arrive between 6 and 6:30 p.m.



February 6    

February Jamboree Adult Leaders' Meeting Cape Girardeau Service Center (unless otherwise announced Arrive between 1:30 and 2 p.m.



February 13  

First Troop Meeting - 2 - 4 p.m. Dempster Hall - Southeast Mo. State Campus PLC at 1 p.m. (Scoutmaster and Youth Leaders) Other Leaders arrive between 1 and 1:30 p.m.



March 1  

Third payment of $300.00 due



March 6  

March Jamboree Leaders' Meeting (as above)



March 13  

Second Troop Meeting (as above)



April 3  

Aril Jamboree Leaders' Meeting (as above)



April 10  

Third Troop Meeting (as above)



April 23  

Saturday, Activity Day at Beaumont - 9 a. m. - 4 p. m.


     Signed medical examination form is DUE!!!


May 1  

May Jamboree Leaders' Meeting (as above)



May 2  

Fourth payment of $300.00 is due



May 15  

Fourth Troop Meeting (as above)



June 1  

Final payment of $295.00 (or balance of $1495)



June 5  

June Jamboree Leaders' Meeting (as above)



June 12  


Fifth Troop Meeting (as above)



July 15-17  


Pre-Jamboree Campout at Beaumont Scout Reservation



     All scouts must attend--Begins

     Friday evening at 5 p.m. and ends Sunday at 1 p.m.



July 21  


Thursday afternoon (exact time TBA), Troops boards bus at Cape Girardeau (location TBA)



July 21-August 4  





August 4  


Return to Cape Girardeau (location TBA) on Thursday morning (exact time TBA)



Fall 2005  


 Troop Reunion to be scheduled


***All Troop Meetings are held in Room 124, Dempster Hall, Southeast Missouri State University Campus, on the corner of New Madrid and Henderson Streets in Cape Girardeau. All Troop Committee meetings are held simultaneously in Room 125.

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Last updated: 6 June 2005