2005 National Jamboree Troop 1237

Parent Committee Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2005 2:00 p.m.


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            The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Jerry Siemers.  He noted that the position for secretary had not been filled at the previous meeting, leaving no record of minutes thereof.  Frank Siebert made a motion to nominate Jill Hendrix as secretary for the committee.  Jim Shipman seconded the motion.  The motion carried and Jill accepted the position.


            An organizational chart was distributed to all in attendance and the floor was opened for any questions regarding the chart.  A question from the floor was asked if patrol patches are available.  Rhonda Wessel said that they will be available at the Scout office.  Chris Wessel added that parents can vote to purchase the patrol patches or have the troop pay for them.  Patches can be stitched for the “Fighting Irish” patrol since there is no patch available for them.


            The floor was turned over to Lisa Davis for a Financial Report.  She stated that at this time, there is nothing to report.


            Rhonda Wessel then took the floor with the Fundraising Report.  She stated that at the last committee meeting, the Equipment committee met with the Fundraising committee.  Parents signed up for the items listed that they could get donated or buy themselves.  She stated that Montgomery Bank has offered the use of the basement of their Chaffee facility for storage for the committee.  She said she will refer everyone who brings in any items to Jim Shipman, Equipment Chair so that he can check off materials that have been gathered.  She stated that the committee goal is to reach $3000.00, $1,500.00 of which has already been verbally donated. Rhonda stated that she and Lisa Davis would be working together spending the funds collected.  Rhonda stated that she has not yet mailed the letters to businesses asking for donations as to give space to Friends for Scouting.  The St. Louis Council has requested that we hold off on seeking donations until Friends for Scouting is finished.  A question from the floor was posed as to what the $3,000.00 would cover.  Jerry Seimers stated that decision would be covered in New Business.  Chris Wessel said that the Jamboree Council has found that an extra $75.00 to $100.00 is usually needed by each boy.  He said that in other troops, the parents are just kicking in an extra $100.00 and they are foregoing fundraising.  Rhonda said that if there is money left over, the parents will vote on how to spend it.  Rhonda distributed a list of names and emails of the Fundraising Committee members to everyone at the meeting.  She also distributed the letter to be used for seeking donations, saying that each parent may want to ask their own place of employment for donations, but not to seek donations outside until Friends for Scouting has completed their fundraising efforts.  Rhonda suggested making thank you’s for all who donate, and perhaps even inviting them to an ‘appreciation barbeque’.  A suggestion from the floor was made to send certificates of appreciation.


            Don Miller, communications Chair, shared his email address: .  The official website will be through the St. Louis Council.  He shared his website address: .  He stated that any information should be given to Vivian White as an official contact for the newsletter for the website.    He stated that pictures were taken of all the boys but that their names or photos are allowed on the website.  He suggested that they could perhaps be put on a cd.  He stated that the Point of Contact for the Gateway committee is Archie Sprinkle.  The Point of Contact for the Finance committee is Pam Ishmael.  He said this chain was recommended by the St. Louis Council.


            Equipment Chair Jim Shipman deferred giving his report until after his subcommittee met that day.


            Chris Wessel stated that the troop will be responsible for getting the class B shirts made.  He said the boys would be finalizing the design on that day.  The Council will order scarves for each troop.  They request we order extra patches.  Ours will be yellow as our troop color is yellow.  Hats are to be ordered as a contingent, but paid for by the troop.  Chris has spoken with Butch Snider at Jackson. He gave a quote of $6.00-6.50 per hat for embroidery. He also gave a quote of 2 color silkscreen for $5.75-6.00 per shirt, and 2 color embroidery at $8.00 per shirt.  The boys will vote for three different colors of shirts.  As a contingent, the hat will be generic, but we can add more to it as a troop if we want.  At the April 1st Leaders meeting we will have the final design for the hat, and a more definite cost.  After April 23rd, we will have the hats.  Linda Ulman stated that D & A Sports offered  a quote of $6.00 for a name to be put on a cap, bag, and backpack.  She was asked at the last meeting to get a quote.  Jim Shipman then nominated Linda Ulman to act as Clothing Chair for the troop.  Chris stated that the $3,000.00 will cover the cost of adding the names to the boys’ equipment.


            A question fro the floor was posed as to what subcamp the boys will be in.  Jerry Seimers stated they will be in Subcamp #12, and their Camp Destination is #37.


            Jerry Siemers stated that the committee needs to decide which patches they want to pay for out of the $3,000.00.  Don Miller stated he has pictures of the patches available, and there is no patch available for the Fighting Irish patrol.


            Chris Wessel stated that he needed to know if there were any boys that could not attend the Activity Day on April 23rd.  He stated that the boys will receive two iron on transfers that day.  He recommended that the boys bring two white t-shirts with them that day.  These shirts will count as Class B for Jamboree.


            Chris Wessel said that we will need to vote at the next committee meeting as to whether the troop provides lunch for the boys on April 23rd or if they should bring their own.  He also stated that the next meeting will be spent mostly in subcommittees.


            Don Miller asked that the minutes be emailed to him so he can place them on the website.


            Chris Wessel distributed an Emergency Preparation list, saying that if we complete the list prior to Jamboree, the boys will receive a patch for it that they can wear during Jamboree.


            Gateway Chair, Mark Spinks said the rope has been donated for the gateway.  Someone has also volunteered to do the painting if necessary.  He stated that we need PVC pipe.  Discussion was held for further suggestions for the gateway.


            Chris Wessel reminded everyone that page 4 of the exam form needs to be copied and sent in now if there are special needs for the boy.  He also stated that the next committee meeting will be held on April 10th at 2:00 p.m. 


            Jim Shipman suggested that all committee members email their address to their chair to ensure that everyone is informed.


            The meeting was adjourned by Jerry Siemers.



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Please send your reactions and comments to us at donald.miller@scott.af.mil


Last updated: 6 June 2005