2005 National Jamboree Troop 1237

Parent Committee Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2005


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Meeting was opened by Chairperson Jerry Seimers. 


The schedule for Activity Day is on the website.  Bill Edelman will email the schedule to everyone.  Any patches ordered up to that day will be given out that day.  Three numerals will be furnished (three were made for each boy).  Also furnished will be 2 troop shoulder pads, and 1 Jamboree patch.


All materials for the Gateway have been donated.


Jerry Seimers read the minutes from the last meeting.  The minutes were approved as read. 


Bill Edelman reminded everyone of the payment schedule.  He also stated that the scholarships have been settled. 


Patches will be ironed on at the Activity Day.  Please label shirts before bringing.


Each boy is required to have an I.D. for jamboree.  The I.D. will include a picture, the boy’s signature, the Greater St. Louis Council, and the Scoutmaster’s signature.  The I.D.’s are required for government security inspection.


All parts for the 2 bulletin boards have been donated and are in the bank basement.


Lisa Davis had no financial statement at this time.


Jerry Seimers shared an equipment list from Troop 1230 out of St. Louis from the last Jamboree.


Rhonda Wessel stated that she has sent out donation letters.  Murray Grace held a shooting match and donated $750.  Rhonda stated that we already have another $600.


Bill Edelman stated that all monies must be sent to the St. Louis Council and then dispersed.


Parents then broke into Subcommittees.


After resuming, Rhonda Wessel gave a Fundraiser report.  She stated that a digital camera would be purchased for the Troop to use, and after Jamboree, the boys’ names would be put in for a drawing to win the camera.


At the June Troop meeting, the caps, duffle bags, back packs and caps will be handed out to the boys.


In the Clothing report, Linda stated she is working to get a Retail Tax ID.  We may be able to get the shirts at cost. A parent may be able to donate the use of his personal equipment for screen printing.


In the Equipment report, Jim stated not to buy the items off the list, but to have them donated.


In the Communications report, Donald asked that all information be sent to him so that he may post it on the website.


No date has been set up for the Troop photo at this time.


Meeting was adjourned.



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Please send your reactions and comments to us at donald.miller@scott.af.mil


Last updated: 6 June 2005